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The Scientific Opinion №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022

Vocal Lyrics of Russia in Late XIX — Early XX Centuries: Historical Insight

Galina Vadimovna Abdullina, Sun Sichen
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Abstract. The vocal work of Russian composers of late XIX and early XX centuries is not fully explored, however, in the context of the modern era, the appeal to the musical culture of the past is relevant. The turn of the XIX—XX centuries in culture was a turning point, various artistic trends were formed, which was refl ected in the development of vocal art. Various artistic styles intertwined in the work of composers, the romance genre evolved and developed in two directions — the continuation of traditions and the use of modern innovations. Many factors infl uenced the formation of the musicians’ work — the atmosphere of the era, the infl uence of poetic trends, and the musical creativity of their predecessors. Vocal lyrics in the works of A. K. Lyadov, M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, A. S. Arensky, N. K. Medtner, S. I. Taneyev, and other composers occupies a signifi cant place. Only a small part of their songs and romances is known and yet they are of a high artistic value, they are interesting in terms of the musical texture development, the ratio of vocal, poetic, and piano texts. The purpose of the paper is to consider the development process of Russian chamber vocal lyrics in the period under study.
Keywords: vocal lyrics, artistic trends, romanticism, traditions, evolution, style, genres, 
means of expression
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