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The Scientific Opinion №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2022


Alina A. Budnikova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22224378_2022_5_109
Abstract. TEIL  (Teaching  English  as  an  International  Language),  built  on  the  basis  of multilingual  and  multicultural  nature  of  modern  communication,  is  a  promising  area  of research in FLT. The conceptual foundations of TEIL are developed within the transcultural approach framework, whose purpose is the formation and development of the transcultural communicative competence. This article is devoted to the consideration of the essence of the transcultural communicative competence as a complex systemic model. The author analyses its  linguodidactic  components,  namely  linguistic,  polycultural,  sociolinguistic,  pragmatic, compensatory, plurilinguistic, self-educational and professional subcompetencies, as well as specifies their substantive characteristics from the transcultural approach standpoint.
Keywords:   translingualism,   transculturalism,   English   as   an   International   Language, transcultural approach, transcultural communicative competence
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