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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Information Technologies in the Theory and Practice of Artistic Shaping of Modern Works of Architecture: Russian and Foreign Experience

E. I. Vinogradova
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The purpose of the paper is to conduct a comparative analysis of the application of modern information technologies in the theoretical and practical areas of artistic shaping of architectural objects in Russia and in the West. The paper analyzes the infl uence of universal (Internet) and highly specialized (professional software) IT on the artistic features of shaping in architecture. It is concluded that today, the level of IT application in project activities in Russia and in the West virtually does not differ: the same software of the same developers is used to draw and calculate the artistic features of building forms and structures. However, the author has revealed that today Russia lags signifi cantly behind the West in the use of advanced IT achievements in scientifi c and theoretical 
study of artistic shaping.
Keywords: IT in architecture, artistic shaping, neuroar-chitecture.
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