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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Macro- and Microstructure of an Educational Linguoculturological Dictionary of Russian Fixed Similes (on the Material of Units Describing the Human’s Outside World)

E. M. Filatova
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The paper examines the macro- and microstructure of an educational dictionary of Russian fi xed similes designed for international students. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities for the choice of fi xed units that can be included in the educational dictionary. In addition, we pay attention to the way of representing such units. Separately, such issues as the distinction between variant and similar units, as well as the differentiation between the standard and an object of comparison are considered. The presented model of a dictionary entry includes a heading zone, a zone of interpretation of individual elements of the fi xed similes, an illustration zone, a zone of interpretation of the heading unit, a zone for describing a situational usage, a zone of linguoculturological 
commentary, a zone of contextual illustrations, and a reference zone.
Keywords: fixed simile; dictionary entry; macrostructure of the dictionary; microstructure 
of the dictionary; comparison standard; cultural linguistics.
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167 s.
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