The art of animation is a combination of traditional art and modern technology. It combines the characteristics of the virtual and the real, thereby forming a multi-media communication approach. Animated art works have acquired a variety of modern artistic forms of expressions, the most intuitive and popular of which are animated fi lms. As a form of artistic expression, animation art embodies the philosophical theory while narrating the story and developing the plot. The animation artist uses animation as the intermediary to explore the profound philosophical problems, and tries to reveal himself, destiny and human nature through animation imagery. The animated fi lms, such as “Employing Life”, “I Saw Mice Burying a Cat”, and “Big Fish Sea Bream” raise esoteric
philosophical problems, i.e. “self-knowledge”, “human nature”, and “ideology.”
Keywords: animation art, animated film, philosophical theory, self-knowledge,
human nature, ideology.
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