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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Chinese Traditional Art of Lacquerware

Bian Zilong
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One of the oldest arts of China — lacquerware manufacturing — covers the history of about seven thousand years. From red lacquered wooden cups of the Neolithic period through all dynastic epochs, lacquerware manufacturing has received signifi cant development and has gained an extensive scope of application. The most sophisticated technologies for working with natural lacquer made it possible to process products from 
simple “pingtu” coatings to “yunse” color painting, artistic lacquer carvings, silver and gold appliques. During the reign of Ming and Qing, development of Chinese lacquerware reached its peak. The current state of the lacquer industry is signifi cant in the global art exchange.
Keywords: Chinese lacquerware, technology, lacquer painting, carved lacquer, aesthetics.
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