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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Interaction of Color and Light Fields in the Stories by Yu. Kazakov

Huo Kangying
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The paper is written about the color organization of YU. Kazakov’s stories. The paper shows the interaction between the lexical-semantic fields of color and light that exist in the lexical system of the Russian language and text fields in the stories by Yu. Kazakov. The interaction between the fi elds of color and light is manifested both in the methods 
of forming fi eld elements and in the textual connections of lexical units. The compound adjectives play the special role in YU. Kazakov’s stories. Relying on the material of text fragments, the author reveals the organizing role of words of different parts of speech with the semantics of color and light.
Keywords: сolor designations, lexicalsemantic fi elds of color and light, text organization
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Price: 0 рублей
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