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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2021

Typological Tendencies in Architecture of Wooden Churches

A. N. Fedorov (Archimandrite Alexander)
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This paper considers the structure of wooden churches mainly in Norway, 
the Russian North and the Carpathian region, together with other lands 
of Ukraine, Belarus, southern Russia and neighboring countries, as well 
as examples of other regions. The fi rst group is represented by stave 
churches of several types: three-nave with variants, one-nave with vari-
ants and centric. The second group has fi ve types in terms of the shape 
(«kletsky», tent-roofs, tiered, multi-domed and «cubic» types), with log 
structures too. According to the design, there are additional typological 
possibilities — division into linear or centric compositions with many 
general compositional schemes. The third group is usually three-part 
log churches of fi ve main regional types, including Ukrainian fi ve-domed 
ones. Wooden churches of the previous two centuries are infl uenced by 
stone architecture. With today’s revival of church architecture, there is 
a trend to turn to traditional forms and seek new constructive and spatial 
Keywords: centric compositions, general compositional schemes, «kletsky» type, log  structures, multi-domed churches, stave churches, wooden churches.
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