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Humanities and Science University Journal № 61 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Individual Approaches of Chinese Artists to Landscape Painting

Yang Fei
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Visits of Chinese artists to Russia for painting landscapes from nature, artistic creation, and participation in exhibitions are already becoming a tradition and form a separate direction in art. This paper, by analyzing the landscape paintings created by Chinese artists en plein air in Russia, highlights the creative concepts of development for the Chinese contemporary oil painting and its esthetic orientation, which is important for the study of the modern nature in the works of Chinese landscape artists. Moreover, the importance and value of painting practice from nature and artistic exchanges in the fi eld of fi ne arts between China and Russia are confi rmed.
Keywords: Chinese artists, Russian landscapes, esthetics of Chinese painting, concept of Xie-Yi freehand style in landscape painting, abstract expression.
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