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Humanities and Science University Journal № 61 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2021

Xie-yi Traditions in Modern Chinese Still Life in Oil Painting Technique

Lin Yongchao
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The goal of the research is to analyze the history of the still life genre in Chinese art and to follow the mindset of the contemporary Chinese still life created in the oil painting technique as the complex of traditional existential beliefs about the world and the place of a human being in the world. The novelty of the paper is in revealing consistently and coherently three topics and related tasks, which raise awareness of the fi gurative structure of the Chinese still life. The paper considers art study concepts related to Chinese philosophical, esthetic traditions and artistic principles, methods of West European, Russian, Chinese art studies that provide a comprehensive analysis of the problem related to content and form in still life works. The main conclusions of the research are the following: fi rstly, the author provides the complex presentation of the history of the still life genre in Chinese painting; secondly, the author reveals theme and content aspects and contradictions in establishing the still life genre in China; thirdly, the author determines conditions of implementing xie-yi principles in oil painting technique. These principles have become the foundation for establishing the modern Chinese still life as an independent art phenomenon with the fi xed system of images.
Keywords: 論 lun, 寫, xie-yi, 水墨 shuimo, 花鳥畫 huaniao, still life in oil painting technique, content and form, space.
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