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The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Historical sciences and archaeology, political science), 2015


S. Yu. Savinova, V. V. Kudryavtseva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article highlights the research results that helped to fi nd out the semantic trends in
the interpretation of the concept of “mentoring”. The historical review reveals the tradi-
tional concept of mentoring in Russian science and practice of the 20 th century. Involving the techniques of content analysis, correlation and factor analyses, the practical study clarifi es the modern understanding of mentoring in the fi eld of human resource management. The result is an expansive understanding of mentoring, including traditional and new meanings, and the ways of further development of this concept.
Key words: mentoring, tradition, semantic trends, human resource management.
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6. Masalimova A. R. Korporativnaya podgotovka nastavnikov. Kazan’: Pechat’-Servis — XXI vek, 2013. 183 s.
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9. Clutterbuck D. Everyone needs a Mentor. Everyone needs a mentor: fostering talent in your organization. London: Institute of Personnel and Development. 2004. 200 p.
10. Megginson D. Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring. L.: Butterworth-Heinemann. 2005. 224 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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