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The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Historical sciences and archaeology, political science), 2015


N. A. Galchenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The problem of employment of university graduates is considered in the paper. The
situation developing in the Russian youth labour market in recent years is quite tense
and characterised by the downtrend. The scales and duration of registered and hidden
unemployment among young people are growing. Meanwhile, the possibilities of youngpeople are already limited due to their lower competitiveness in comparison with othergroups. The research object is the labour market, the subject is related to the problems of employment. Today, more than ever, it is important to assess its extent, to predict its dynamics, and to fi nd ways to provide effective support to young people experiencing difficulties with employment.
Key words: graduates of institutions of higher education, employment, unemployment,
job cut.
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Price: 50 рублей
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