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The Scientific Opinion" №11 (Art history, philology and culturology), 2015

Leo Tolstoy and Ancient Chinese Philosophy: Principles of Comparison

Zheng Luyan
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper explores the comparison between Leo Tolstoy’s philosophy and the philosophy of ancient China. The main reason for their affinity is that both postulate the universal attitude of a human being towards his earthly existence, pursuit of goodness, and quest of spiritual path for a human being in attaining the Divine. In order to create a universal religion, Tolstoy acts as a modernizer, for whom the differences are not important. Rather, the similarity, which matches Tolstoy’s own philosophical and ethical program, plays the key role. The source of the common attributes of these ideas is not only in the origin of philosophical intuition of the Whole, but also in the teleology, which explains the world and human being in the ethical dimension without losing the
integrity of the Whole. The shared basis and goal are the fundamental principle of how Leo Tolstoy uses the ideas of Chinese philosophy.
Keywords: Intuition “Only”, universalreligion, the mind, the Tao, integrity, modernization, religious and philosophical synthesis.
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1958. (Krome poryadkovogo nomera, ukazyvaetsya nomer toma i stranitsy.)
Price: 50 рублей
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