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The Scientific Opinion" №11 (Art history, philology and culturology), 2015

Field Diaries of V. G. Kuznetsova as an Ethnographic Source

E. A. Davydova
Price: 50 руб.
 Varvara Grigorievna Kuznetsova is a Soviet ethnographer, who conducted fieldwork in Chukotka in 1948–1951. The article analyses her field diaries deposited at the archives of Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences as an ethnographic source. Firstly, the author emphasizes the approach by V. G. Kuznetsova to the field work, which was innovative for her time. Secondly, the author argues that this source is valuable for modern ethnologists/anthropologists, in particular, for understanding the power hierarchy in the Chukchi society.
Key words: Chukotka, field diaries, ethnographic source, methodology.
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Price: 50 рублей
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