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The Scientific Opinion" №11 (Art history, philology and culturology), 2015

Ensembles of the Moscow Kremlin and the Forbidden City (Gugong): Historical Parallels and Comparative Analysis of Compositional Structures

Wang Yu
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is a comparative study of the Emperor’s palatial ensembles of Russia and China: the Moscow Kremlin and the Forbidden City, i.e. Gugong, consideration of forms,
principles of development of artistic characteristics of the above architectural complexes, comparison of signifi cance of their cultural heritage, description of both unique and similar features of these constructions.
Keywords: the Moscow Kremlin, Gugong, palace ensemble, historical development,
composition, museum.
1. Birzite L. Razvitie natsional'nykh form v arkhitekture Moskovskogo Kremlya.
Riga.: Latviyskoe izd-vo, 1954. 166 s.
2. Lisovskiy V. T. «Natsional'nyi stil'» v arkhitekture Rossii. M.: Sovpadenie, 2000.
3. Ofitsial’nyi sayt Gosudarstvennogo istoriko-kul’turnogo muzeya-zapovednika
«Moskovskiy Kreml’». URL: http://www.kreml.ru/about-museums/history/200-letmuzeyam-kremlya/ (data obrashcheniya: 15.12.2014).
4. Ofitsial’nyi sayt Dvortsovogo muzeya Guguna. URL: http://www.dpm.org.cn/
shtml/115/@/9036.html#34#43 (data obrashcheniya: 07.12.2014).
5. 㔗੼੔㧘 陈绍᫢㧘ᨋ⑲贞 ޕLei Congyun, Chen Shaodi, Lin Xiuzhen. Istoriya
Kitayskikh dvortsov. Tyan' Tszin'.: Baykhua literatury i iskusstva, 2008. 317 s.
6. ⨨竞华㧘ᓄ华੫ޕRu Jinghua, Peng Hualiang. Imperatorskaya dvortsovaya
arkhitektura: poslednaya dinastiya. Pekin: Kitayskoe stroitel'stvo, 2009. 214 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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