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The Scientific Opinion" №11 (Art history, philology and culturology), 2015

Latin America Regional and International Journalist Organizations: Performance and Specific Features

I. V. Grigoriev
Price: 50 руб.
 The high relevance of this paper can be attributed to the lack of recent academic studies regarding the role of the three major regional journalist organizations in Latin America. The research is focused on regional organizations of journalists (FELAP, FNPI, GDA) by comparing their activities with their stated goals. Inter American Press Association (SIP/IAPA), which dominates the information market of Latin America,
is viewed as an organization that selectively refl ects only the special interests of some regional powers. The author also analyses the activities of major international branches of journalist organizations, such as CPJ and IFJ, which heretofore have not been the subject of academic research. Since many general-purpose journalist organizations operate under the concept of “journalist rights protection”, the paper also includes analysis of human rights organizations in Latin America, which perform similar tasks.
Key words: Latin America regional journalist organizations, human rights organizations, Latin America media landscape.
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Price: 50 рублей
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