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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2015


K. A. Filippov, V. B. Rebikov
Price: 50 руб.
 Scientific research in philology implies study of historic background, thorough analysis of speech factors, presentation in consecutive order and summary of study. Use of
Internet information resources helps to optimise not only students’ individual scientific
activity, but also certain scientific research. Traditional methods of teaching scientific research skills can be enriched by additional assignments for students which are performed with remote access to e-search systems and reference resources. Placement of the results of scientific projects, such as Adodurov’s grammar textbook “Anfangs-Gründe der russischen Sprache” and Lomonosov’s “Russian Grammar” with subsequent linguistic analysis, historic and cultural comments and accompanying materials, in electronic educational space makes it possible to clearly demonstrate the potential of e-resources in philological scientific research.
K e y w o r d s: philology, grammar, scientific research, e-resources, seminar, Adodurov, Lomonosov.
1. Vasiliy Yevdokimovich Adodurov. «Anfangs-Gründe der Rußischen Sprache» ili «Pervye osnovaniya rossiyskogo yazyka»: kollektivnaya monografiya / A. A. Vetushko-Kalevich, S. S. Volkov, L. N. Grigor’yeva, N. V. Kareva, M. V. Koryshev, K. V. Manerova, K. A. Filippov; otv. red.: K. A. Filippov, S. S. Volkov; otv. sekr. N. V. Kareva. SPb.: Nauka, Nestor-Istoriya, 2014.
2. Grigor’yeva L. N. Osobennosti perevoda «Rossiyskoy grammatiki» M. V. Lomonosova na nemetskiy yazyk (na primere grammaticheskikh terminov) // Aktual’nye problemy perevodovedeniya: materialy XL Mezhdunarodnoy filologicheskoy konferentsii. Sankt-Peterburg, 14–19 marta 2011. SPb.: Filologicheskiy fakul’tet SPbGU, 2011. S. 26–31.
3. Kareva N. V. Naimenovaniya glagol’nykh klassov v «Rossiyskoy grammatike» M. V. Lomonosova // Slavyanskie yazyki i kul’tury v sovremennom mire. II Mezhdunarodnyi nauchnyi simpozium. Moskva, MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova, filologicheskiy fakul’tet, 21–24 marta 2012. Trudy i materialy. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 2012. S. 221–222.
4. Lingvisticheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’ / gl. red. V. N. Yartseva. M., 1990. 685 s.
5. Lomonosov M. Rossiyskaya grammatika. SPb.: Imp. Akad. nauk, 1757.
6. Filippov K. A. «Rußische Grammatick» M. V. Lomonosova v istoriko-kul’turnom i lingvisticheskom aspektakh // Nauchnoe nasledie Vladimira Grigor’yevicha Admoni i sovremennaya lingvistika: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya V. G. Admoni. Sankt-Peterburg, ILI RAN, 9–13 noyabrya 2009 g. SPb.: Nestor-Istoriya, 2009. S. 259–260.
7. Filippov K. A., Volkov S. S. M. V. Lomonosov i yevropeyskiy nauchnyi diskurs XVIII veka: G. V. Leybnits, Kh. Vol’f, I. K. Gottshed: nauch. dokl. SPb.: SPbGU. RIO. Filologicheskiy fakul’tet, 2014. 60 s.
8. Filippov K. A., Volkov S. S. Elektronnaya nauchnaya biblioteka «Nachal’nyi etap formirovaniya Peterburgskoy grammaticheskoy shkoly» // Strukturnaya i prikladnaya lingvistika: mezhvuz. sbornik / pod red. A. S. Gerda. SPb., 2012. Vyp. 9. S. 129–134.
9. Adodurov V. E. Anfangs-Gründe der Rußischen Sprache // Deutsch-Lateinisch- und Russisches Lexikon, samt denen Anfangs-Gründen der Rußischen Sprache. Zu allgemeinen Nützen bey der kayserl. Academie der Wissenschaften zum Druck befördert. St. Petersburg, 1731.
10. Lomonossov M. V. Rußische Grammatick, verfaßet von Herrn Michael Lomonoßow; aus dem Rußischen übersetzt von Johann Lorenz Stavenhagen. St. Petersburg: Imp. Akad. Nauk, 1764.
Price: 50 рублей
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