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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2015

Revolution in the Transformer Theory

M. A. Shakirov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article illustrates the failure of the traditional transformer theory on the example of an idealized transformer. The fundamentals of the new theory are set forward beginning from the principle of operation and motion of electromagnetic fi eld in the transformer window; new equivalent circuit and vector diagrams are examplifi ed. In the article’s conclusion it is presented the more correct decision on the sudden short circuit in real
Keywords: core, magnetic fl ux, short circuit, transformer, Poynting vector, magnetic fi eld.
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19. Shakirov, M.A., Andrushchuk, V.V., & Varlamov, U.V. New Theory of Transformer. Proceedings of OIPE 2012, 2012 Ghent, Belgium, pp. 208–209.
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21. Shakirov, M.A. The Pointing Vector and New Theory of Transformer. Pt. 1.
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22. Shakirov, M.A. The Pointing Vector and New Theory of Transformer. Pt. 2.
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Price: 50 рублей
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