N. A. Berezova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper analyses the results of forming professional motivation of students at institutions of secondary vocational education of the building profie. The study is based on the developed structure of professional motivation, formed by means of a foreign language, using diagnostic methods: the method of specially selected experimental situations (A. K. Markova), method of self-assessment (N. A. Bakshaeva, A. A. Verbitsky), “Cloze test” (K. Ingenkamp), technique of studying factors of a profession’s attractiveness (V. A. Yadov), technique of studying the vocational training motivation (V. G. Katashev).
Key words: building profie, formation of professional motivation, professional
motivation structure, means of a foreign language.
1. Berezova N. A. Kriterii i urovni sformirovannosti professional’noy motivatsii u studentov uchrezhdeniy SPO stroitel’nogo profiya sredstvami inostrannogo yazyka // Sredneye Professional’noe Obrazovanie. 2011. № 11. S. 59–60.
2. Berezova N. A. Pedagogicheskie usloviya formirovaniya professional’noy motivatsii sredstvami inostrannogo yazyka u studentov uchrezhdeniy SPO stroitel’nogo profilya // Teoriya i praktika obshchestvennogo razvitiya. 2012. URL: http: // www.teoria-practica.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 07.04.2015).
3. Nabatova L. B. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v prakticheskom obuchenii budushchikh spetsialistov // Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii / pod red. Titarenko Yu. I. Ul’yanovsk, 2011. Ch. 2. S. 141–144.