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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 12 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015


E. M. Vishnevskaya
Price: 50 руб.
 Th article focuses on the main problems of English phonetic competence formation for
bachelors of pedagogics learning English as a second foreign language. Th defiition
of the phonetic competence is described, the procedure of its formation and its specifi
features concerning English as a second foreign language are given.
Key words: competence education, phonetic competence, structure and contents, English as a second foreign language.
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2. Vartanova K. Yu. Obuchenie osnovam fonologicheskoy kompetentsii studentov-lingvistov v adaptivnom vvodnom kurse (na materiale angliyskogo yazyka): dis. kand. ped. nauk. Pyatigorsk: Pyatigorsk, gos. un-t, 2005. 215 s.
3. Goncharova H. L. Formirovanie inoyazychnoy fonetiko-fonologicheskoy kompetentsii u studentovlingvistov: Na materiale angliyskogo yazyka: dis. kand. ped. nauk. Stavropol’, 2006. 212 s.
4. Ishkhanyan N. B. Puti formirovaniya lingvosotsiokul’turnoy kompetentsii v intensivnom kurse obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku: dis. … kand. ped. nauk. M., 1996. 157 s.
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7. Shkodich L. V. Obshcheyevropeyskaya shkala urovney vladeniya inostrannym yazykom kak osnova yazykovogo i individual’no-lichnostnogo razvitiya studentov rossiyskikh tekhnicheskikh vuzov // General and Professional Education. 2011. № 1. S. 57–61.
8. Birdsong D. Why not fossilization / Birdsong D. // Han, Z.-H. and Odlin, T. Studies of fossilization in second language acquisition. Multilingual Matters, 2005. Р. 173–185.
9. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) (2011) // Council of Europe. URL: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/CADRE_EN.asp.
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12. Huneke H.-W.: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: eine Einführung / von Hans-Werner Huneke und Wolfgang Steinig.- 3.,überarb. und erw. Aufl Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2002. 270 s.
13. Long M. Stabilization and fossilization in interlanguage development / Long M. // Doughty, C. and Long, M., editors, Th handbook of second language acquisition. Blackwell, 2003. Р. 487–535.
14. Nakuma C. A new theoretical account of “fossilization”: Implications for L2 attrition research // International Review of Applied Lingiustics. 1998. Vol. 36, (3). Р. 247–257.
15. Schmidt R. Interaction, acculturation, and the acquisition of communicative competence: a case study of an adult. / Schmidt R // Wolfson, N., and Judd, E., editors, Sociolinguistics and language acquisition. Newbury House, 2004. Р. 137–74.
16. Selinker L. Interlanguage // International Review of Applied Lingiustics. Vol. 10. 1972. Р. 209–232.
17. Tarone E. Fossilisation, Social Context and Language Play // Studies of Fossilization in Second Language Acquisition. Clevedon, Bufflo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters LTD, 2006. P. 157–172.
Price: 50 рублей
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