M. I. Bogomolova
Price: 50 руб.
The urgency of the questions under consideration in this article is concerned with the
insuffient development of the system of sensory training of preschool children. The
progress of our recent past pedagogical heritage in this sphere is in some measure
forgotten. The scientifi novelty consists in the conceptually presented historical and
pedagogical assessment of the achievements of outstanding educational specialists in
Russian pedagogics of the Soviet period. Th presented material has its theoretical and
practical signifiance. Th theoretical signifiance consists in raising the urgency of the
problem concerning the sensory and intellectual development of preschool age children.
The practical signifiance consists in the possibility to use the research results of the
1940–1960s in modern Russian pedagogics.
Key words: sensory training, sensory development, sensory culture, sensory standards.
1. Bogomolova M. I. Osobennosti formirovaniya sensornykh etalonov u detey srednego
doshkol’nogo vozrasta. Ul’yanovsk, 2008. 94 s.
2. Usova A. P. Russkoe narodnoe tvorchestvo v detskom sadu. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1972. 78 s.
3. Flyorina E. A. Esteticheskoe vospitanie doshkol’nika. M.: APN RSFSR, 1961. 189 s.