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"The Scientific Opinion" № 6 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015


M. A. Antoshintseva, N. A. Bocharova
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper presents relevant linguistic technologies of describing the speech standard of modern communication basing on the material of scientifi and educational speech. The presented technologies are focused on the research of the interactive genres of scientifi report and academic lecture, actively functioning in modern scientifi and educational communication. Th paper proposes a universal tool that helps to draw conclusions about special aspects of production and perception of speech and text taking into account the interaction of verbal and nonverbal communication channels.
Key words: standard of speech, spheres of communication, multichannel communication, nonverbal channel, e-communication, genres of scientifi speech, polycode text, linguistic technology.
1. Analiz sovremennoy nauchnoy kommunikatsii: lingvisticheskie i obrazovatel’nye tekhnologii: kollektivnaya monografia / Antoshintseva M. A., Belyaeva L. N., Bocharova N. A., Maslova Yu. A., Shubina N. L, A. A. Vilandeberk, O. N. Kamshilova; pod red. N. L. Shubinoy. SPb., 2010. 144 s.
2. Antoshintseva M. A., Bocharova N. A. Ispol’zovanie natsional’no-markirovannykh kommunikativnykh modeley kak tekhnologiya kodirovaniya informatsii v zhanrovom prostranstve massovoy kul’tury // Informatsionnyi kontinuum sovremennoy kommunikatsii: protsedury dekodirovaniya. SPb., 2011. S. 41–59.
3. Informatsionnyi kontinuum sovremennoy kommunikatsii: protsedury dekodirovaniya / sb. nauchnykh statey / pod red. N. L. Shubinoy. SPb., 2011. 386 s.
4. Maslova Yu. A. Izuchenie form i sredstv dialogizatsii uchebnogo monologa v protsesse metodicheskoy podgotovki uchitelya russkogo yazyka: dis. na sois. uch. st. kand. ped. nauk. Saransk, 2005.
5. Shubina N. L., Antoshintseva M. A. Vspomogatel’nye semioticheskie sistemy v ustnoy i pis’mennoy kommunikatsii: monografia. SPb.: PetroPress, 2005. 291 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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