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"The Scientific Opinion" № 6 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015


Yu. V. Gromov
Price: 50 руб.
 The use of philatelic means in school and university education is considered in the paper in the historical retrospective and at the present stage. The author describes the results of the research on using philatelic means in the education process of school and university, and shows the ways of using philatelic means for activisation of students’ cognitive activity.
Key words: philately, philatelic means, activisation of students’ cognitive activity by
means of philately.
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3. Gromov Yu. V. Ot kruzhka i kluba filatelistov k obrazovatel’noy ploshchadke // Pochtovaya svyaz’. Tekhnika i tekhnologii. 2015. № 2. S. 11–16.
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9. Yunye filatelisty (o rabote kruzhkov i klubov yunykh filatelistov) / V. V. Agenosov, Yu. S. Ivanov, N. K. Lebedev i dr. Vyp. 2. M.: Svyaz’ — VOF, 1971. 80 s.
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11. Brennan S. A. Stamping American Memory: Stamp Collecting in the U.S., 1880s–1930s. PhD diss., George Mason University, of History and Art History, 2009. 294 p. URL: http://digilib.gmu.edu/dspace/bitstream /1920/5661/1/Brennan_Sheila.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 12.06.2012).
Price: 50 рублей
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