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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015

Effi cient Communication for Research: Newest Trends in Designing English Language and Communication Courses for Graduate Students

E. V. Orlova
Price: 50 руб.
 Defining aims and objectives of modern research and communication in foreign language instruction for post-doctoral students is the task that is to be implemented through the close collaboration of all academic groups involved in the academic decision-making process. Needs analysis helps to narrow down requirements of an individual graduate student, Doctoral Program and University. A newly designed course entitled “Research English: Communication for Research Purposes” offers both traditional academic part of the syllabus as well as the genres and tasks that hitherto were themes of a more traditional business communication courses.
Keywords: communication for research purposes, communication program development, communication in English, post-doctoral students’ communication needs.
1. Doctoral degree. The disposable academic. Why doing a PhD is often a waste
of time // The Economist. 2010. 16 December. URL: http://www.economist.com/
2. Dulek R. Academic Research. Two Things that Get My Goat — and Three that
Offer Meaning // Journal of Business Communication. July 2008, Volume 45. N 3.
P. 333–348.
3. Piercy N. The role of academics should be to challenge status quo // Financial
Times. 2011. 14 November. URL: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/ffae61a4-0946-11e1-
Price: 50 рублей
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