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"The Scientific Opinion" № 5 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015

Poetics of the Lyric Cycle in the Transitional Period of the Russian Literature at the Turn of the 20th Century: A Case Study of «In Spring» Lyric Cycle by K. Fofanov

E. A. Gorbatova
Price: 50 руб.
 This article explores the specifi c poetic cycle “In Spring” (“Vesnoyu”) by K. Fofanov in contrast to the lyric cycles by A. Apukhtin and K. Balmont, the authors who tend to gravitate towards two different types of poetics (“traditional” and ” modernistic”). It examines the principles of poems’ grouping, the characteriscs of constructing a lyric subject. The relationship of the character of the lyric hero and nature and signifi cance of such interrelationship to the cycle is also reviewed. As a result of the analysis, the author concludes that the cycle is a shining example of the “transitional” period of the Russian literature. In the fi nal analysis, K. Fofanov stands as both a successor of the literary tradition of the 19th century and an antecedent of modernistic poetry.
Keywords: Composition literary device, lyric hero, lyric cycle, modernistic, “traditional”, subject unity, cycle-forming principles.
1. Apukhtin A. N. Sochineniya. Stikhotvoreniya. Proza. M.: Khud. lit., 1985.
2. Bal’mont K. D. Polnoe sobranie stikhov. M.: Skorpion, 1914. T. 1. 267 s.
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Izd-vo Krasnoyarskogo universiteta, 1988. 137 s.
4. Lyapina L. E. Tsiklizatsiya v russkoy literature XIX veka. SPb.: NII khimii
SPbGU, 1999.
5. Miroshnikova O. V. Analiz liricheskogo tsikla i knigi stikhov. Kanonicheskie
struktury i marginal’nye formy tsiklizatsii v poezii posledney treti XIX veka: uchebnoe
posobie dlya studentov fi lologicheskogo fakul’teta. Omsk: Omskiy gos. universitet,
6. Nikandrova O. V. Liricheskaya tsiklizatsiya v aspekte istoricheskoy poetiki: na
materiale russkoy poezii XVIII–XX vv.: dis. ... kand. fi lol. nauk. M., 2009.
7. Fomenko I. V. Liricheskiy tsikl: stanovlenie zhanra, poetika. Tver’: TGU, 1992.
8. Fofanov K. Stikhotvoreniya i poemy. SPb.: Izd-vo Pushkinskogo Doma, 2010.
592 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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