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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 11 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015.

SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHINESE EXPRESSIONISM (from the educational experience of expressionist painters)

S. V. Anchukov, M. V. Kuzmicheva
Price: 50 руб.
 One can see the origins of Chinese expressionism in the traditional paintings “guohua”, in the Xieyi style [3]. “Xieyi paintings are characterised with expressivity, rapidity, lightness and even some carelessness of the technique... It is important for a painter to convey the ‘spirit’ and ‘energy’ of the depicted objects, to express his/her own emotions or feelings in tune with the painting’s theme” [3, p. 73]. Regardless of the political, cultural and economic instability, Chinese painting travelled a diffi cult way of development and transformation and now appears in a kind of synergic cooperation between Western, American and Russian tendencies. At the same time works of many painters keep the traits of traditional Chinese painting.
Key words: expressionism, traditional Chinese painting, infl uence of Western painters,
expressive and sensual side of an artistic image, painters Lin Fengmian, Liu Haisu, Wu
1. Di Mo. Biografi ya U Guan’chzhuna // Obozrenie izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva. 1998. № 7. S. 45–52.
2. Si Dejin. Reformy kitayskogo khudozhnika Lin Fengmian. Taibei: Taibeiskoe aktsionernoe obshchestvo s ogranichennoy otvetstvennost’yu «Xiongshi», 1979. 26 s.
3. Song Rui, Elena Utyanskaya. Kitayskaya zhivopis’ i kalligrafi ya. SPb.: «Vektor», 2014. 141 s.
4. She Jianghong. Kharakternye cherty ekspressionisticheskogo yazyka zhivopisi // Vestnik Lan’chzhouskoy pedagogicheskoy akademii. 2003. № 2. S. 27–29.
Price: 50 рублей
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