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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015

Development of Theory and Research Methodology of Regional Economic Security in the Context Neo-industrial Paradigm

Vl. V. Chekmarev
Price: 50 руб.
 The author argues that the existing theoretical approaches and methodology of research on the state of economic security of Russia’s regions do not ensure implementation of the predictive function of economics. The article rationalizes the direction of development of the theory and methodology of research on the state of economic security of the region in the context of neo-industrial paradigm. The author proposes an algorithm of implementation by taking into consideration attitudes and behavioral patterns of educational institutions. He also proposes a matrix for reaching a compromise in strategic decisions and adapting a proactive approach to the theoretical results of studies of economic security of the region.
Keywords: economic security of the region, the institute of economic security, social and economic nature of economic security.
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2. Palamarchuk V. P. Tsennostno-stoimostnoy podkhod vo vzaimodeystvii menedzhmenta
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2007. № 12 (103). S. 73–78.
3. Palamarchuk V. P. Tsennostno-orientirovannye strategii v usloviyakh
neopre¬delennosti // Korporativnye strategii. 2009. № 38 (9304). S. 17–22.
4. Prigozhin A. I. Tseli i tsennosti. Novye metody raboty s budushchim. M.: Izd-vo
«Delo». 2010. 631 s.
5. Chekmarev Vl. V. O kategorial’nom apparate izucheniya ekonomicheskoy
bezopasnosti mezoekonomicheskikh sistem // Ekonomika obrazovaniya. 2013. № 4.
S. 99–101.
6. Chekmarev Vl. V. Strategiya regional’nogo razvitiya v diskurse obespecheniya
ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti / Vl. V. Chekmarev, A. V. Lukin, M. V. Blinov // Ekonomika
obrazovaniya. 2014. № 2. S. 133–136.
7. Chekmarev Vl. V. Faktory innovatsionnogo razvitiya i obespecheniya ekonomicheskoy
bezopasnosti regiona. // Ekonomika obrazovaniya. 2013. № 4. S. 101–103.
8. Chekmarev Vl. V. Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost' kak uslovie blagopoluchiya i
razvitiya lichnosti // Ekonomika obrazovaniya. 2014. № 2. S. 52–56.
Price: 50 рублей
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