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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015

The role of remote technologies in inclusive education

Yu. N. Mukminova, R. Kh. Shaymardanov
Price: 50 руб.
 The global changes, which have happened in scientific, technical, social and
economic areas of modern life, were the reason for creating objective conditions
for intensifying the informatisation in society. These processes are characterised
by the significant growth of the role of information communications in public
life and formation of national and global information spaces. The mentioned
circumstances provided the effective interaction between people, their access to
information resources, and satisfied their personal social needs for information
services and products.
Key words: information society, inclusive education, remote technologies,
innovative development.
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perspektivy razvitiya // Informatizatsiya obrazovaniya i nauki. 2011. № 4.
7. Troyan G. M. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii i kommentarii: Prilozhenie k spetsializirovannomu
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red. V. I. Ovsyannikov. M., 2008.
8. Webster F. Teorii informatsionnogo obshchestva. M.: Aspekt Press. 2004. 208 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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