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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015

Competency-based approach in foreign language learning at non-linguistic higher educational establishments

E. S. Adzieva
Price: 50 руб.
 The competency-based approach in foreign language learning at non-linguistic higher
educational establishments is determined by the need to form a specific phenomenon — a system of background knowledge. Background knowledge is an intricately organised complex of general culturological phenomena that are perceived in a specific way and extrapolated in further communication. These cultural phenomena act as non-verbal components of the diverse process of interaction between communicating subjects.
Key words: background knowledge, communication, cultural background, foreign
language culture, general cultural dialogue, competence.
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gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. 2007. № 7. S. 62–67.
2. Ter-Minasova S. G. Yazyk i mezhkul’turnaya kommunikatsiya. M.: Slovo, 2000. 264 s.
3. Nelyubin L. L. Tolkovyi perevodovedcheskiy slovar’. 3-e izd., pererab. M.: Flinta; Nauka, 2003. 320 s.
4. Chepel’ N. I. Osnovnye aspekty mezhkul’turnogo vzaimodeystviya pri perevode // Vestnik Ryazanskogo
gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. S. A. Yesenina. 2008. № 3 (20). S. 73–84.
5. Osnovnye aspekty mezhkul’turnogo vzaimodeystviya pri perevode. URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/
article/n/osnovnye-aspekty-mezhkulturnogo-vzaimodeystviya-pri-perevode (data obrashcheniya: 18.01.2015).
Price: 50 рублей
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