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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015

Pedagogical prevention of addictive forms of adolescents’ behaviour in France

E. V. Shalomova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyses the concepts of prevention of addictive behaviour among adolescents, which are actively introduced in France nowadays due to the increased consumption of alcohol and drugs among youth. The author stresses the urgency of pedagogical prevention measures in France in connection with the distribution of psychoactive substances in schools. The author argues that prevention of addictive behaviour of children and adolescents should be realised by multi-discipline specialists. The project of preventive anti-drugs and anti-alcohol work involves joint actions of school authorities and district administrations. French school combines education, training and preventive functions.
Key words: anti-drugs and anti-alcohol prevention, psychoactive substances, adolescent environment, addictive behaviour, self-esteem and citizenship.
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2. Sobolev V. A., Belousov Yu. L., Podgornyi I. A. Kontseptsiya tsentra mediko-sotsial’noy profilaktiki narkoticheskoy
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i informatsionnoe obespechenie. Khar’kov: Finart, 2002. 80 s.
3. Solov’yeva S. I. Novaya missiya frantsuzskoy shkoly: predlozheniya, napravlennye na profilaktiku narkomanii
// URL: http://www.kazedu.kz/referat/66763
4. Sotsial’nye problemy vo Frantsii // URL: http://delarina.info/encyclopaedia/shtuchki/problems/
5. Addictive behaviours in adolescents. A collective expert review by INSERM // Press release, Paris,
06 February 2014. URL:http://presse-inserm.fr/en/addictive-behaviours-in-adolescents/11035/
6. Government plan for combating drugs and addictive behaviours 2013–2017 // URL: http://www.gouvernement.
Price: 50 рублей
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