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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015

St ages of forming of primary school pupils’ background knowledge through reading English fairy tales

M. A. Khavanskaya
Price: 50 руб.
 The article touches upon the development of background knowledge of primary school
pupils through reading English fairy tales. The current method of teaching includes
certain stages (preparatory, informative, resultative, systematising, and creative stages) and helps to acquire background knowledge effectively.
Key words: English fairy tale, background knowledge, preparatory stage, informative
stage, resultative stage, systematising stage, creative stage, linguistic cultural commentary.
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Prosveshchenie, 2010. Ch. 2. 231 s.
3. Proektnye zadachi v nachal’noy shkole: posobie dlya uchitelya / A. B. Vorontsov, V. M. Zaslavskiy,
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4. Surinova E. A. Formirovanie literaturnykh fonovykh znaniy kak komponenta inoyazychnoy kul’tury v
prakticheskom kurse yazyka (angliyskiy yazyk, yazykovoy vuz, 1-y kurs): dis. … kand. ped. nauk. Orel, 2001.
Price: 50 рублей
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