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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015

Vocational training and development of library staff

A. A. Bulycheva, M. I. Lomshin
Price: 50 руб.
 The article gives an objective view about vocational training and development of
personnel of the libraries in the Republic of Mordovia. The author reveals the relationship and interaction of traditional and innovative approaches to educational activities in the system of continuing library education and makes conclusions on the issues addressed in this paper.
Key words: library, HR policy, strategy, staffing, development, vocational training,
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3. Bulycheva A. A. Sistema formirovaniya professional’nogo i lichnostno-tvorcheskogo potentsiala bibliotechnykh
kadrov // Integratsiya obrazovaniya. 2007. № 3–4. S. 134–138.
4. Golovko S. I. Spetsialist: obrazovanie, kompetentnost’, novatorstvo. M., 2005. 144 s.
5. Lukicheva L. I. Upravlenie personalom. M., 2008. 263 s.
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7. Munitsipal’nye biblioteki Respubliki Mordoviya v 2012 godu (tsifry, fakty, kommentarii) / Nats. b-ka
im. A. S. Pushkina Resp. Mordoviya. Saransk, 2013. 73 s.
8. Sukiasyan E. R. Povyshenie kvalifikatsii v biblioteke. Rekomendatsii rukovoditelyu // Nauch. i tekhn.
b-ki. 2008. № 6. S. 42–59.
9. Suslova I. M. Funktsional’nye tekhnologii informatsionno-bibliotechnogo menedzhmenta. SPb., 2014.
280 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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