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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015

Activities of the Russian government on the establishment of a system of gymnasium and vocational education in the late 18th century

M. P. Starodubtsev
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyses the development and adoption of a set of laws, which became a basis for the new system of education. The main reasons for the success of the government’s activities were the principles and approaches, their improvement and direct efforts on the implementation of reforms.
Key words: reform, system, activity, education, creation.
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6. Starodubtsev M. P. Osnovnye napravleniya sotsial’no-pedagogicheskikh vzglyadov Ekateriny II //
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7. Starodubtsev M. P. Realizatsiya proektov po reformirovaniyu Rossiyskoy sistemy obrazovaniya v period
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9. Starodubtsev M. P. Teoriya i praktika Rossiyskogo vospitaniya i obrazovaniya v XVIII veke // Izvestiya
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XVIII veka: dis. … d-ra. ist. nauk. Arzamas, 1999.
Price: 50 рублей
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