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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015

Forming of individual subjectivity of fine arts students at higher educational establishments in the process of modern composition study

A. I. Ikonnikov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article covers the role of forming of individual subjectivity of fine arts students
at higher educational establishments in the process of modern composition study. The
author claims that matter is not a homogeneous substance that has a form but a flow
of intensities providing the possibility of having a form. Modern art releases painted
objects from stagnancy and materiality of their presence. The article underlines the idea that artists constantly restructure the world and create new realia. Artists live through every intensity and reach an almost unbearable point, at which “spirit touches matter”.
Key words: teaching, diagram, cartography, intensive installation, subjectivity,
language, transversality.
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3. Delez Zh. Logika smysla. M.: Akademicheskiy Proekt, 2011. 472 s.
4. Delez Zh., Gvattari F. Tysyacha plato: kapitalizm i shizofreniya. M.: Astrel’, 2010. 895 s.
5. Delez Zh., Gvattari F. Chto takoe filosofiya? M.: Institut eksperimental’noy sotsiologii; SPb.: Aletey’ya,
1998. 288 s.
6. D’yakov A. V. Feliks Gvattari, filosof transversal’nosti. SPb.: Izdatel’stvo «Vladimir Dal’», 2012. 592 s.
7. Kristeva Yu. Semiotika. Issledovanie po simanalizu. M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, 2013. 285 s.
8. Parch S. Paul’ Kleye. M.: «Art-rodnik», 2004. 96 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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