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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015

Linguamethodical grounds of teaching text modelling to journalism students

I. T. Stepanyan, L. N. Gorobets
Price: 50 руб.
 The article discusses the issue of journalism students’ communication skills forming,
describes a system of gradual teaching of modelling news block texts within the political discourse structure, and provides a complex of speech exercises and training tools.
Key words: text modelling, system of education, communication skills, speech
exercises, news block.
1. Gorobets L. N. Lingvometodicheskie priemy obucheniya studentov modelirovaniyu tekstov //
Aktual’nye problemy lingvistiki i lingvodidaktiki v kontekste mezhkul’turnoy kommunikatsii: sb. statey
II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Armavir: RIO AGPA, 2014. S. 139–141.
2. Stepanyan I. T. Osvoenie ponyatiya «politicheskiy diskurs» v professional’noy podgotovke studentov
fakul’teta zhurnalistiki // Vyssheye obrazovanie segodnya. № 11. 2011. S. 44–46.
3. Federal’nyi gosudarstvennyi obrazovatel’nyi standart vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya
(napravlenie 031300 «Zhurnalistika»). M., 2010.
Price: 50 рублей
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