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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2015

Efficiency of educational activities at children’s public associations

N. A. Evleshina
Price: 50 руб.
 The article describes the approaches to determining the effectiveness of educational
activities at children’s public associations. The novelty of the research consists in
determining the effectiveness in the light of economic theories and concepts, describing
conditions for the effectiveness of social education and variants of application of
pedagogical tools to achieve the efficiency of educational activity.
Key words: children’s public associations, social education, effectiveness of educational
1. Evleshina N. A. Polikul’turnyi podkhod v sotsial’nom vospitanii // Sredneye professional’noe
obrazovanie. 2010. № 8. S. 49–50.
2. Mudrik A. V. Sotsial’naya pedagogika. M.: Izd. Tsentr «Akademiya». 2007. 200 s.
3. Slovar’ po sotsial’noy pedagogike / avtor-sostavitel’ L. V. Mardakhaev. M.: Izd. Tsentr «Akademiya»,
Price: 50 рублей
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