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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №9 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2014.

Differences in psychological types of elderly people

N. S. Seliverstova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to the distinctions in personality typology of men and women
of advanced age. In addition to many individual distinctions of human mentality, there
is also a distinction in ego orientation, which Jung called introverted and extraverted
types of personality. In modern society the old age is treated as a decline period, since
an organism experiences changes both on the biological and psychological levels. The role of a person in society and his/her way of life also change; an elderly person hardly adapts to age changes. Correct psychological assistance is important in this period. To be successful in psychological counseling, one should know the problem exploration degree and conduct a necessary research for this purpose. Carl Jung’s technique for definition of personality typological features is used in the article.
Key words: introversion, extraversion, advanced age.
1. Andreyeva G. M. Sotsial’naya psikhologiya. M.: Aspekt-Press, 2001. 376 s.
2. Kolesnikov V. N. Lektsii po psikhologii individual’nosti. M.: IP RAN, 1996. 335 s.
3. Krayg G. Psikhologiya razvitiya. 7-e mezhd. izdanie. SPb.: Piter, 2000. 992 s.
4. Liders A. G. Krizis pozhilogo vozrasta: gipoteza o ego psikhologicheskom soderzhanii // Psikhologiya
starosti i stareniya: khrestomatiya / sost. O. V. Krasnova, A. G. Liders. M.: Akademiya, 2003. 416 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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