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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014

Personal qualities in forming the multicultural world view of philology students

N. A. Sukhova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to personal qualities in the process of German language learning and formation of the multicultural world view of philology students. Studying scientific literature, the author identifies professional qualities of philologists. The exercises can be used in the course of intercultural communication.
Key words: personal qualities, business game.
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2003. S. 54–55.
4. Rubtsova A. V. Produktivnyi podkhod v inoyazychnom obrazovanii (aksiologicheskie aspekty): dis. …
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5. Sukhova N. A. Praktikum po mezhkul’turnoy kommunikatsii s primeneniem informatsionnykh
tekhnologiy / Novosibirskiy gos. un-t. Novosibirsk, 2008. 118 s.
6. Tkachenko T. A. Formirovanie mezhkul’turnoy kompetentsii kak faktora professional’nogo
samoopredeleniya budushchego spetsialista: dis. … kand. ped. nauk. Saratov, 2005.
7. Khasan B. I. Konstruktivnaya psikhologiya konflikta. SPb.: Piter, 2003.
Price: 50 рублей
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