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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014


A. A. Fiskov
Price: 50 руб.
 In order to study all aspects of society’s cultural life it is necessary to analyse the artistic life of the region in question. The paper examines the main trends in works of contemporary Don artists between the late 1990s and the fi rst decade of our century. The study of the main directions of the artists’ work can create a holistic picture of the development of contemporary visual art in the country, as well as to predict changes and major trends in various areas of public life, including business. The development of art markets in regions is a new direction in Russia, and in the course of its study it is necessary to rely on the data of culture experts, historians and art critics.
Key words: art market, art life, professional art education, higher education institutions,
fi ne arts, creation, artists.
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7. Ushakova L. G. Iz XX veka v XXI. Prilozhenie k kollektivnoy monografi i prepodavateley kafedry
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9. Yug Rossii. Katalog vystavki / pod red.: Demkinoy S. N., Ushakovoy L. G., Khabarovoy M. V., Arzumanidisa
P. A., Myasnikova G. P. Izd. OOO «Aktsent-poligraf». M., 2010. 76 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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