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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014


Gong Wei
Price: 50 руб.
 The article traces the history of creating the masterpiece by Robert Schumann and covers researchers’ opinions and their interpretation of “Kreisleriana”. The author of the article studies the structure of the opus, its programme content and text diffi culties and draws attention to the main problems and features of its performing interpretation.
Key words: Schumann, piano, programme, interpretation, performing indications,
1. Alekseyev A. D. Istoriya fortepiannogo iskusstva. 2-e izd., dop. M.: Muzyka, 1988. Ch. 1 i 2. 415 s.
2. Zhitomirskiy D. V. Robert Shuman. M.: Muzyka, 1964. 880 s.
3. Leont’yeva O. T. «Kreysleriana» // Sovetskaya muzyka. 1960. № 6. S. 45–49.
4. Merkulov A. M. Fortepiannye syuitnye tsikly Shumana: Voprosy tselostnosti kompozitsii i interpretatsii.
M.: Muzyka, 2006. 95 s.
5. Mil’shteyn Ya. F. List. 1811–1886: v 2 t. M.: Muzyka, 1956. T. 2. 597 s.
6. Mil’shteyn Ya. Konstantin Nikolaevich Igumnov. M.: Muzyka, 1975. 326 s.
7. Shuman R. Pis’ma. (1817–1840): v 2 t. / sost., komment., ukazateli D. V. Zhitomirskogo. M.: Muzyka,
1970. T. 2. 785 s.
8. Young Percy M. Tragic muse: The life and works of Robert Schumann. London: Hutchinson, 1957.
256 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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