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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014

Subjective experience as a component of the structure of higher education content

I. A. Leskova
Price: 50 руб.
 The content of education is considered in the article in the context of the postnonclassical paradigm, and the issue of the necessity of its subject determinacy is raised. The author reveals subjectlessness of the approaches to defining the education content (knowledgebased and personality-centered), which exist in the education sphere. The author proposes a subject-oriented approach, which makes it possible to add the fifth component of the content of education – subjective experience – to other four components (cognitive information component, experience of learning activities, experience of emotional value relations, experience of creative activity). The author describes the mechanism of inclusion of subjective experience into the structure of the education content and opportunities of the subject-oriented approach to the education content organisation.
Key words: education content, structure of the education content, postnonclassical
modernisation, subjectivity, subject-oriented approach.
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Price: 50 рублей
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