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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2014

The study of personnel management systems (the case of graduation theses)

N. M. Glukhenkaya
Price: 50 руб.
 The author of the article analyses graduation theses of students of the Ural Federal
University. The table shows the main components of the methodology of studying HR
management systems. Some conclusions based on the analysis are given.
Key words: graduation theses, approaches, principles, methods.
1. Glukhen’kaya N. M. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya personalom organizatsii: monografiya. Praga:
Vedecko vydavaterske centrum «Sociosfera-CZ», 2014. 96 s.
2. Glukhen’kaya N. M. Klassifikatsiya metodov issledovaniya sistem upravleniya personalom na primere
diplomnykh rabot // Nauchnoe mnenie. 2013. № 8. S. 216–219.
3. Kibanov A. Ya., Konovalova V. G., Ushakova M. V. Sluzhba upravleniya personalom: uchebnoe
posobie. M.: Knorus, 2010. 410 s.
4. Mishin V. M. Issledovanie sistem upravleniya: uchebnik dlya vuzov. M.: YuNITI, 2007. 527 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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