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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2014

Evolution of the North American vector in the foreign policy of Bolivia in the context of the system of nat ional and regional security

Y. V. Vashchenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The evolution of the value of the North American vector in the foreign policy of Bolivia
is considered in the paper. The author scrutinises the historical prerequisites and events connected with the interaction between the USA and the Latin American state. The main prospects and transformation of political processes of bilateral cooperation are analysed.
Key words: Latin America, Bolivia, United States of America, “narcotised” relations,
historical breach.
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6. Howard A. Bolivia: Hillary Clinton and James Steinberg ‘talk tough’ on Latin America / A. Howard,
R. Hollander // Сайт Council on Hemispheric Affaires. [2009]. URL: http://www.coha.org/bolivia-hillaryclinton-
7. Lessmann R. Drogenökonomie Und Internationale Politik: Die Auswirkungen Der Antidrogen-Politik
Der USA Auf Bolivien Und Kolombien. Frankfurt a. Main: Vervuert, 1996. 305 p.
8. Morales rejects ambassador, sitting his support for lowland protests // Andean Information Network.
2009. 24.03.2009. URL: http://ain-bolivia.org/ain-publications/
9. World Drug Report 2008 / United Nations (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime). Vienna, 2009.
303 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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