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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2014

Russian diaspora periodical s in France as an origin of emigrant book business during the first quarter of the 20th century

E. M. Lbova
Price: 50 руб.
 Two stages of Russian emigrant press activity in France are compared in the paper, based on specific examples, before and after 1918. The main types of press organs as well as their specific features are singled out at every stage. The significance of further research of emigrant printing heritage for the Russian history is described in the conclusion.
Key words: periodicals, literary magazine, newspaper, party press, Russian emigration, diaspora, Socialist Revolutionary Party.
1. Vatsek Y., Babka L. Golosa izgnannikov. Periodicheskaya pechat’ emigratsii iz sovetskoy Rossii
(1918–1945). Praga, 2011. 128 s.
2. Lizunova I. V. Izdatel’skoe delo kak chast’ otechestvennogo mediaprostranstva: teoreticheskie podkhody
// Trudy GPNTB SO RAN. Vyp. 7. Biblioteka i chitatel’: dialog vo vremeni. S. 611–615.
3. Nazarov M. V. Missiya russkoy emigratsii. Stavropol’, 1992. 415 s.
4. Unbegaun B. G. Russkaya periodicheskaya pechat’ v Parizhe do 1918 g. // Vremennik obshchestva
druzey russkoy knigi. Parizh, 1932. T. 3. S. 31–49.
Price: 50 рублей
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