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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2014

A nat ional stat e idea in Russia as a factor of consolidat ion and pat riotism: three words and a thousand years

V. Yu. Zhukov
Price: 50 руб.
 For a thousand years the idea of the nation’s consolidation around the authorities and
official unity was a basis of the Russian national state ideology. At all times and within any state system, the powers always tend to safeguard this unity as an ideological foundation of patriotism and a guarantee of the order. The article is devoted to graphic and verbal symbols (the State Emblem, the National Anthem, slogans) that express this idea. The author notes that the main ideological and political slogans were usually formulated by a verbal triad. The author named it as “the law of three parts”. At the end of the article he offers his own formula of a national idea.
Key words: national state ideology, official unity, consolidation, patriotism, symbols,
slogans, “the law of three parts”.
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6. Leningradskaya pravda. 1941. 21 avgusta.
7. Leningradskaya pravda. 1941. 7 noyabrya.
8. Leningradskaya pravda. 1941. 9 noyabrya.
9. Pravda. 1941. 23 iyunya.
10. Pravda. 1941. 3 iyulya.
11. Pravda. 1941. 7 noyabrya.
12. Pravda. 1941. 8 noyabrya.
13. Emblema TsB na banknotakh ne yavlyaetsya gerbom Vremennogo pravitel’stva (MKRU. 17 maya
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vremennogo-pravitelstva.html (data obrashcheniya: 10.11.2014).
Price: 50 рублей
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