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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Psycho-pedagogical and Juridical sciences), 2014

Time-management competence and percepti on of worki ng ti me of bank managers

A. T. Jappar
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to the research of time-management competence of bank managers. The paper gives a brief analysis of the structure of time-management competence, and describes the results of the empirical research. The author proposes her technique of studying time-management competence and highlights components forming the core of time-management competence of bank managers. The author also describes the results of the study on perception of working time involving projective techniques and analyses the correlation between the characteristics of time images and the assessment of timemanagement
Key words: professional competence, time-management competence, temporal
freedom, image of working time, linear time, cyclic time.
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7. Solov’yova E. A., Zhappar A. T. Issledovanie vremennoy kompetentnosti bankovskikh menedzherov //
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nauchno-praktich. (zaochnoy) konf. M.: Izd-vo Pero. S. 77–83.
Price: 50 рублей
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