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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Limitat ion of the constitutional guarantee of inviolab ility of home in the course of investigat ive activities

O. M. Ovchinnikov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to the topical issues related to the limitation of the constitutional
right to inviolability of home during investigative operations. The domestic legislation is
analysed in order to establish the concept of “home”, to carry out a comparative analysis of the identified definitions, and to reveal problematic aspects of each of them. The author’s position on this issue is justified.
Key words: investigative activity, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, home,
investigative operations.
1. Zhilishchnyi kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii: [feder. zakon: ot 29 dekabrya 2004 g. № 188-FZ: v red. ot
21 iyulya 2014 g. № 263-FZ]. URL: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW (data
obrashcheniya: 24.10.2014).
2. Konstitutsiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii: [prinyata vsenar. golosovaniem 12 dek. 1993 g.: s uchetom
popravok, vnes. zakonami Ros. Federatsii o popravkakh k Konstitutsii RF ot 05.02.2014 № 2-FKZ, ot
21.07.2014 № 11-FKZ] // SZ RF. 2014. 4 avg. № 31. st. 4398.
3. Ugolovno-protsessual’nyi kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii: [feder. zakon: ot 18 dekabrya 2001 g.
№ 174-FZ: v red. ot 22 oktyabrya 2014 g. № 308-FZ]. URL: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.
cgi?req =doc;base=LAW (data obrashcheniya 23.10.2014).
4. Ugolovnyi kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii: [feder. zakon: ot 13 iyunya 1996 g. № 63-FZ: v red. ot 21
iyulya 2014 g. № 277-FZ]. URL: http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc (data obrashcheniya:
Price: 50 рублей
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