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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Components of the cognitive-compensat ory approach in second foreign language reading

A. O. Ovsyannikov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to intensive teaching of reading in a second foreign language.
The author proposes the basic elements of the cognitive-compensatory approach and
interrelationship of linguistic, psychological and methodological components of content intended for informative reading in a second foreign language.
Key words: creative linguistic personality, intensive teaching, informative reading in a
second foreign language, content components, method of keys.
1. Ovsyannikov A. O. «Metod klyuchey» kak novaya sostavlyayushchaya protsessa formirovaniya
kompensatornoy kompetentsii pri obuchenii informativnomu chteniyu na vtorom inostrannom yazyke v
vuze i v starshikh klassakh spetsializirovannykh shkol: monografiya. SPb.: TESSA, 2008. 190 s.
2. Petrikova A. A. Tseli i soderzhanie ovladeniya inoyazychnym chteniem na nachal’nom etape //
Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya obrazovaniya: materialy mezhdunar. zaoch. nauch. konf. (g. Perm’, aprel’
2011 g.). T. I / pod obshch. red. G. D. Akhmetovoy. Perm’: Merkuriy, 2011. S. 159–165.
3. Chernigovskaya T. V. Cheshirskaya ulybka kota Shryodingera: yazyk i soznanie. M.: YaSK, 2013.
447 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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