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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Socio-pedagogical feat ures of youth addictiveness as a kind of destructive behav iour

A. N. Lomakina
Price: 50 руб.
 The article describes the social and pedagogical features of young people’s addictiveness. The author analyses scientists’ points of view in the explanation of such phenomenon as destructive behaviour. Destructive behaviour is understood as behaviour that does not correspond to the norms accepted in society and is destructive to the individual and surrounding people. Destructive behaviour includes all forms of deviant and delinquent behaviour. The author identifies micro-social factors that cause delinquency, such as adverse conditions in which a personality is formed, adoption of antisocial behaviour from early childhood, genetic diseases. The presented model serves as a theoretical scheme forming a basis for preventive work, whose purpose is to form a mature, responsible and self-sufficient personality able to solve problems successfully and constructively.
Key words: destruction, destructiveness, external destructive behaviour, internal
destructive behaviour, deviant behaviour, delinquent behaviour, addictive behaviour,
addict, substance abuse, gambling, sexual addiction, religious destructive behaviour,
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Price: 50 рублей
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