For instance: The Scientific Opinion
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"The Scientific Opinion" № 12 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014


Yu. R. Peretokina
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper covers a topical issue of modern musicology connected with the
introduction of neocanonism principles in composers’ works of the 20th–21 st
centuries. The realisation of a number of neocanonism tendencies by Yuri Kasparov,
an Honoured Art Worker, is illustrated through his composition “Ave Maria” for
12 vocalists, organ, violin and vibraphone. The analysis of the scores shows a new
interpretation of musical traditions of the past, as they are realised within modern
harmony and composing technique. The results of the study also demonstrate the
author’s unusual reading of religious texts.
Key words: Yuri Kasparov, Ave Maria, neocanonism, sacred music.
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6. Sinel’nikova O. V. Neokanonicheskie tendentsii v muzykal’nom teatre rubezha XX–XXI vekov: paradoks ili real’nost’ // Mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-issledovatel’skiy zhurnal. URL: http://research-journal.org/ featured/art/neokanonicheskie-tendencii-v-muzykalnom-teatre-rubezha-xx-xxi-vekov-paradoks-ili-realnost-na-primere-tvorchestva-otechestvennyx-kompozitorov/
Price: 50 рублей
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